Hi, neighbors! Have you ever wondered how your neighbor got a GREEN FLAMINGO? Green ‘mingos depict the “unexpected” beauty that our neighborhood has to offer, and are given as a gift to all homeowners who open their home for the Westgate Home and Garden Tour.
The 2025 Westgate Home and Garden Tour committee is gearing up to put this year’s tour in motion! Part of that includes prepping the ‘mingos! This year we are planning another “Flamingo Spa Day” where former homeowners and their flamingos can come and refresh their green glow.
Keep your eyes peeled for green flamingos this month! We will soon have further information on Flamingo Spa Day, so be sure to watch for future newsletters. If you are interested in learning more about the Westgate Home and Garden Tour or green flamingos, please email us at HGT@westgateneighbors.org