Westgate Neighborhood Association Policies & Principles
Anyone may join the Westgate Neighbors Association. Individuals do not have to live in Westgate to be a member, nor do they have to pay dues to be listed as a member. The distinction between paying and non-paying members is that paying members are those who may vote at WNA public meetings on issues of concern brought to the association. Non-paying/non-voting members are considered members after contributing a minimum of 10 hours of “sweat equity” per year on one or more committees, or on Westgate Neighbors Association or Friends of Westgate Park projects. It is not the policy of the WNA to exclude anyone from membership based on their financial means; nor is it the policy of the WNA to pressure anyone into becoming a dues-paying member.
The WNA does not discriminate against, allow or endorse the discrimination of any member based on race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, age or physical disability.
No member of the WNA may act as its representative without the permission of the Westgate Neighbors Association executive committee.
The Westgate Neighbors Association does NOT act as a blockwatch or park group; the organization has members who act as liaisons to those groups (and other community groups). The Westgate Neighbors Association provides support, volunteers and other means to the blockwatches, the established, authorized park groups, and to other community organizations.
The Westgate Neighbors Association does NOT dictate, govern or endorse any rules or standards for individual properties and/or property owners; the Westgate Neighbors Association is not, and does not act as, or in the manner of, a ‘private neighborhood’ association.
The Westgate Neighbors Association does NOT report code violations of any resident (private citizen) of Westgate or the surrounding neighborhoods, and no member may act as a representative of the Westgate Neighbors Association in reporting residential code violations, crimes or zoning issues.
All inquiries, suggestions, ideas, complaints, concerns and even rumors should be directed to the WNA utilizing the form below. Effective, accurate communication to and between members will keep our organization strong, effective, positive and free of rumors, assumptions, and incomplete information.
All members are encouraged to submit ideas for projects, events, etc. to us in person or using the form above. Your input is valued and your ideas and suggestions will be considered and followed up on.