Join the WNA as a First Time Member
Membership runs from year-to-date of when you signed up!
The details of membership and pricing structure have changed. Find out the updates here:
Memberships will now be active for a full year from any date that you sign up. Now every member can enjoy a full year without concern for when you have joined or moved to the neighborhood. When it comes time for renewal, you will receive an email about your expiration date to take appropriate action. You asked for it – we did it!
Since 95% of our membership had selected the option of adding the $2 donation to Friends of Westgate Park (FOWP) to their account, we have included that donation in ALL levels of membership. WNA will still provide a matching $2 donation to FOWP for every membership added throughout the year.
During the new purchase process, you will be signing up as a registered member to the site. You will have a username and password assigned to your account. We will be developing website content viewable only to WNA members, for which you will have automatic access. We look forward to offering a more robust website experience to our members, so please stay tuned for updates as they are announced!
- To receive regularly emailed newsletters with neighborhood news of importance to our residents.
- To show your support for the neighborhood.
- To stay informed about what is going on in the community.
- To be able to exercise voting rights at our WNA community meetings.
- To meet people you would otherwise never know.
- To be involved!
You can also join WNA by printing and mailing the paper form.

- Obtained $1,300 grant from United Way for a successful Covid-compliant Mums & Mummies! Co-hosted with Friends of Westgate Park: A fall festival of mums and Halloween fun.
- Received Highland Youth Donation of $500 to additionally support M&M.
- Ongoing food truck coordination, resulting in $1,000 donation to West Gate Lodge!
- Very successful membership drive this year – 94% TO GOAL! Thank you! (And despite pandemic!)
- Patron memberships at ALL-TIME high for WNA! Thank you!
- Maintained budget despite cancellation of Home Garden Tour 2 years in a row.
- Ongoing neighborhood organization support with Friends of Westgate Park and Westgate Farmers Market.
- Revamped site, social media, improving site traffic significantly.
- Created Westgate Online Retail shopping destination.
- Coordinated repairs to Westgate sign at Powell and Sullivant.
- Delivered over 20 Welcome Packets welcoming new residents.
- New Social Committee formed to connect monthly with residents.
- Diversity & Inclusion statement forthcoming and additional focus to come.
- Installed Neighborhood Identity Signage
- Installed multiple benches in Westgate Park and outdoor tables with seats at West Gate Lodge.
- Created and published Celebrating Westgate book, available for purchase at Westgate Salon.
- Actively work with city government for issues directly affecting life on the Hilltop.
- Additional information can be found on the About WNA page.