2024 Westgate Neighbors Association Board

This October, we will be electing a new Vice President, Treasurer and Member at Large. If you are excited about Westgate and want to serve your community, email news@westgateneighbors.org

Executive Committee

Jon Houze

Andy Lucas


Joe VanHorn   

Evelyn Slaybaugh

Board Members

Laura Carter
Dana Fleeter
Kate Futty
John Futty
Gabbi Atwell-Raymond
Garrett Raymond

Neighborhood Partners

Sue Laughlin, Friends of Westgate Park

Gabbi Atwell-Raymond, WNA Social Media Manager

Alan Jazak, Website Manager

JR McMillan, Westgate Watch 

Become involved in one of our WNA Committees!

An opportunity to showcase our unique area, the Westgate Home and Garden Tour has welcomed hundreds of guests and future residents. The committee plans, coordinates, supervises and implements all aspects of the event. We encourage ambassadors to attend at least one Westgate Home and Garden Tour before becoming a tour ambassador. For more information or to become and ambassador contact us. 

The committee coordinates activities during the annual membership drive, May 1–July 31. For more information or to become an ambassador contact us.

Building and maintaining neighborhood connections is the number one priority of the Community Enhancement Committee. The Committee plans multiple events over the year to provide opportunities for neighbors to come together. Events such as a cocktail party, a Westgate Night out private-event at Columbus Brewing Company and Music on the Porch all enhance our neighborhood togetherness. For more information or to become an ambassador contact us.

A fall festival of garden mums, games, trunk or treat, food and drink and costume contests for kids, adults and our pets in Westgate Park! This is a FREE neighborhood event and is co-hosted with Friends of Westgate Park (FOWP). There is also a bake sale fundraiser for FOWP.  The committee plans, coordinates, supervises and implements all aspects of the event. For more information or to become an ambassador contact us.

Ambassadors take the opportunity to personally welcome new residents to Westgate by delivering welcome packets which include information about WNA, trash and recycling, neighborhood events, and more. For more information or to become an ambassador contact us.

Committee members review, update and communicate the application process, and determine the recipient. For more information or to become an ambassador contact us. 

Westgate has become a hotspot on StreetFoodFinder.com and has gained popularity among central Ohio food truck operators! Scheduling food trucks is one of our favorite tasks to coordinate and volunteers have FUN bringing new food options each month to Westgate! For more information or to become an ambassador contact us.


Things ambassadors can do:

  • Deliver new neighbor welcome packets
  • Coordinate food truck visits
  • Sell ads and tickets for the Westgate Home and Garden Tour
  • Help select scholarship recipient
  • Coordinate ambassadors for our events
  • Storyteller at Mums & Mummies
  • Advocate for the Westgate neighborhood and so much more!

We are always looking for volunteers to lend their special talents. We encourage you to become part of what makes Westgate Unexpected! Get involved.

Want to learn more about becoming an ambassador? Contact us below!

Contact Garrett Raymond

Contact Kate Futty

Consider an upgrade to the Patron level! Your business name will be displayed on our website.

Westgate Neighborhood Scholarship


Applications accepted in March

The Westgate Neighbors Association Scholarship was established in 2015 as an extension of our mission to “help our community thrive”. The $1000 postsecondary education scholarship is funded by a portion of the proceeds from the Westgate Home & Garden Tour. It is awarded annually to a qualified resident of Westgate who contributes to the betterment of their community through their demonstrated service and leadership. While GPA and course selection are considered, the committee is focused more on the candidates’ involvement with their communities.

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  • Live within the boundaries of the Westgate neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio OR attend West High School. (Boundaries for the purpose of this scholarship are from the south side of West Broad Street to the the north side of Sullivant Avenue, and from the west side of South Hague Avenue to the west side of Demorest Road.)
  • Be a full-time student who will be attending a college or vocational school for the 2023-2024 academic year.

If it is determined by the scholarship committee that none of the applicants meet the eligibility requirements, or embody the standards by which the scholarship was established, we reserve the right not to award the scholarship for the current year.

  1. Complete the (interactive PDF) Application.
  2. Attach a current dated transcript signed by a school administrator or counselor.
  3. Attach two documents verifying your, or a parent or guardian’s Westgate address.
  4. Complete the section Honors / Achievement / Community Service / Leadership (include years participated, organization, activities).
  5. List three references we may contact, at least one of whom is to provide a Letter of Recommendation which is to be attached.
  6. Attach at least one Letter of Recommendation.
  7. Attach two essays.
  8. Complete Signature of Certification.

Submit all of the above to scholarship@westgateneighbors.org no later than Sunday, April 30, 2023 at midnight

  1. The scholarship recipient will be notified via contact information provided on the application form.
  2. The recipient will provide the committee a Letter of Acceptance from the designated postsecondary school.
  3. The recipient will be asked to attend the May 2023 WNA Community Meeting, at which they will be introduced and the award presented.
  4. Scholarship monies will be sent directly to the Financial Aid Office of the designated school, in August, after it is confirmed the student is officially enrolled for the fall semester.
2022 Winner Said Barud
2020 Winner Martin Paul Susec
2019 Winner Maxwell Lee
2018 Winner Olivia Rowe
2017 Winner Erica Loughner
2016 Winner Molly Brumfield
2015 Winner Heather Corson